Trans-European Network Fund - TEN-T & CEF

Short Description

Crocodile III Projects:

Concerns the creation of a National Access Point based on the E.U. Regulation 886/2013 for implementing the provisions of Directive 2010/40/EU for the collection of the necessary transport-related information, their processing and provision as open data through a central government platform. This program concerns the participation of Cyprus in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) development projects at a pan-European corridor level, in cooperation with 9 other European countries for information exchange and service development in the orienteast/med - Hamburg/Cyprus corridor. Within the scope of these projects, there is cooperation with the University of Cyprus, through the KIOS Centre of Excellence. The project combines both Crocodile projects phases II & III, the TN-ITS Go project and the Step2Smart and "NAPCORE" project, for which information is provided below. The tenders for the supply, installation and maintenance of equipment and software were signed on 5/11/2021 for a contract amount of €723,499+VAT, and a contract of €858,276+VAT is expected to be signed soon for the creation of a central traffic management platform which will be connected to the equipment purchased under the aforementioned contract and to other existing equipment. The maintenance for the equipment and software is foreseen under the DIAYLOS project and is not co-financed.


Project TN-ITS GO:

The creation of an Open Source GIS (Geographic Information System) with capabilities for automatic provision of information to cartographers, is part of the agreement between the Department of Public Works and the University of Cyprus KIOS, participating as Partner and as Implementer respectively in the TN-ITS GO project, with KIOS having the greater share of responsibility for its implementation. The expenditure amounts to €115,000 with 85% co-financing.


The "NAPCORE" Program:

The "NAPCORE" Project concerns the participation of Cyprus along with all Member States in the development of National Access Points. It is carried through in cooperation with the University of Cyprus’s KIOS Centre of Excellence, which has the greater share of responsibility for the implementation of the Department of Public Works as a partner.

The project includes the staffing of the Management Centre with one person (Civil Engineer - Transport Engineer) who will coordinate the Project activities and monitor the operation and development of the National Access Point. A relevant cooperation agreement has been signed with KIOS for the amount of €362,000 + VAT. EU co-financing level: 85%