Nicosia Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan

Short Description of the Project

The Project concerns the preparation of the study for the development of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for the greater urban area of the city of Nicosia, including the city center and the greater urban area, which will be taking into account all relevant integrated projects and plans, such as the Nicosia Integrated Mobility Master Plan (NIMMP), as well as the studies and projects already being promoted. Emphasis will also be placed on the regeneration and revitalization of urban cores, especially the city center, through specific sustainable mobility measures. The preparation of the Nicosia SUMP is based on the new ELTIS guidelines (2019). The Project Contract was awarded to the consortium of companies: "Trans-European Consultants for Transport, Development and Information Technology S.A. - TREDIT S.A and NAMA Consulting Engineers and Planners SA".


The Contract was signed on 19 November 2021, with a project start date of 3 December 2021 and a duration of 20 months.


During the first months of the preparation of the SUMP, the Contractor is required to evaluate and develop detail-specific deliverables related to the enhancement of public transport and traffic management, which the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works, as well as the Local Authorities consider to be of the highest priority, mainly dealing with:


  • The design of the axis, which will include dedicated lanes for buses (bus lanes), including horizontal and vertical road markings, and the optimization of traffic lights (bus priority) at intersections. In the future, this axis can easily be converted into rapid transit axis system (BRT) for either buses or trams.
  • Proposals for flexible working hours aiming to establish alternative arrangements for travel during peak hours with the ultimate aim of solving the traffic problem.
  • The regeneration and revitalization of the historic cores, the business center, and other urban cores of Nicosia.

Find below information, presentations, video, photos and public consultation papers about the Public Consultations organized for Nicosia SUMP:

1st Public Consultation for Nicosia SUMP 

2nd Public Consultation for Nicosia SUMP

DC2 : Επιτελική Σύνοψη Β’ Φάσης ΣΒΑΚ Λευκωσίας

3η Δημόσια Παρουσίαση για το ΣΒΑΚ Λευκωσίας


Study area: